Grade 6

Grade 6
Literature Final
*Multiple Choice Questions, Fill-ins, & Essay
The Giver
                                    Man vs. Society
                                    Dystopia vs. Utopia

Comparative Mythology
Why do myths exist?
“Ideology in narrative form”
Hero’s Journey
            Hero, mentor, villain
Comparative mythology
      What do we learn by studying diverse myths?
Disney mythology
Religion vs. Mythology
      Religion adds ritual

Greek Myth & Legends
Oral Storytelling
Hesiod and Homer
The Greek Creation Myth
The Titans
The Olympians
Pandora’s Box
The Judgment of Paris
The Trojan War
The Odyssey 

*Extra credit: Percy Jackson

Friday, May 17
The Odyssey Travel Brochure assignment posted! Begin planning your projects.

Thursday, May 2
Mount Olympus (pg. 7) reading and questions 1-5 due Friday. Must be typed and written in full sentences for full credit.

Friday, April 5
No homework.
Model UN & Giver Portfolio grades will be posted this weekend.
Excellent work on the unit!
Please make sure your SeeSaw login is working-- no need to go ahead on your mythology assignment; we will reconvene on Monday!

Friday, March 29
Portfolios Due APRIL 3RD: Department Assignment Sheet, Vocabulary for chapters 1-10, Fairness and Justice worksheet, Narrative Final Draft, and Elder Interview

Tuesday, March 12
The first draft of your Narrative essay on a Community Memory due on Wednesday, March 20.
Please do not freak out. This is simply a draft.

Friday, March 8
Please read Chapter 14 in The Giver. Parents: I encourage you to read with your child to ensure comprehension.
Work on portfolio assignments: Department Assignment Sheet, Vocabulary for chapters 1-10, as well as Fairness and Justice worksheet.

_Trimester 2 Ends_
Friday, March 1 
Quiz on Chapters 9-11 in The Giver
Final OSCAR conferences on Monday for those of you who want to increase your grades.

Tuesday, February 26

Please keep all paperwork for your Giver portfolio in a safe place: You should have two vocabulary notebooks worksheets for Chapters 1-10. Furthermore keep your Community Project documents in a neat, safe place and remember your helmets and copy of The Giver for each class period.
Final OSCAR conferences will be held on Friday.

Wednesday, February 6 

"Themed" Newspapers are due on Thursday, February 14th. Please remember that your newspaper must hold to one specific theme. It must carry through the title, articles, photos, and all other content you come up with. ALL ASPECTS OF THE NEWSPAPER MUST REFLECT YOUR CHOSEN THEME FOR FULL CREDIT! 
We will begin reading The Giver on Monday.
I have 20 books available to the class. Please check your home or with a sibling or friend to see if they have a copy!

Wednesday, January 30
Holes final assessment is tomorrow, January 31st

Wednesday, January 16

We will be finishing up Holes today and tomorrow, hopefully by Friday. This means that portfolio assignments will be due, in their entirety, on January 24th. Please hand them in neatly stapled together. Furthermore, we will schedule your test on Holes for next week. It will be an easy one!

Friday, January 11

Your fifth and final portfolio assignment will be given to you on Monday! Start thinking of what your nickname would be at Camp Green Lake.
You will be given a quiz from Miss Coll on Holes Monday, January 14. Know about Stanley's last name, what Stanley did to wind up at Camp Green Lake, the name of the poisonous lizards, who Sam is, and who has smelly feet.
Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, January 9

Please make sure you have all of your portfolio assignments safe and neat in one place. DON'T PROCRASINATE. Get them done now!

Friday, January 4

Please complete portfolio assignments 3 & 4.
The portfolio assignments will be handed ALL together in at the end of our Holes unit. Keep them tidy in a folder. This is a test of your responsibility. You are accountable for all handouts and completing them.

Also, please work on your OSCAR reading at home. Many of you are behind on your pages. The last OSCAR conferences are looming: March 5th.


2019 Stars Here.I hope you all enjoyed Christmas break!

Wednesday, December 19

Miss you guys! In the meantime, please keep up with our reading of Holes. Portfolio Assignment 3 is coming your way. Please stand by for instructions.

Monday, December 10

Holes Portfolio Assignment 2 is due this THURSDAY.
You will present your research to the class.

Friday, December 7

Holes Portfolio Assignment 2 is due on Thursday, December 13th.
You will present your research to the class.

Monday, November 26

Research A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Holes, and The Giver for our novel-unit vote!

Thursday, November 7

Excellent job on your Current Events assignments! I'm very proud of all of our presenters. You've done a tremendous job.

Friday, November 2

Current Event Paper due Monday! Please be prepared to present your research in class as well!

Tuesday, October 30

Current Event Project due November 5th.

Thursday, October 25

Complete pages 15-16 in your workbook if you did not finish in class.
Veteran Essay drafts are due tomorrow. Final drafts due next Tuesday (typed) 300 words max.

Friday, October 19
Please remember to bring your textbooks and workbooks to class every day.
OSCAR conferences will be held again on Tuesday. Use the weekend to get ahead on your pages.

Thursday, October 18

Make sure you have completed page 2-3 in your Literature workbooks!

Thursday, October 12
Finals drafts of your Response Paper are due on Monday.
Make sure it is formatted correctly.
Make sure you hand in your outline and revision checklist with your final draft--paper clip together!

Monday, October 8

For those of you who didn't see me, you may hand in your drafts tomorrow!

Friday, October 5

Hand in your response paper drafts on Monday.
Final drafts due on Monday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 3

Write your introduction outline for "A Day's Wait" and have it in class tomorrow.
A sample introduction has been posted to the assignment page: response.

Tuesday, October 2

Continue brainstorming for your first response paper!

Wednesday, Septemeber 26
Nice work on your literary elements projects. I'm excited to sharpen your presentation skills this year!
Up for next week: Literary Elements Quiz. Review your notes, and we will review in class the rest of the week.

Friday, September 21
Work on tailoring your literary elements project. You will only have a little bit of time on Monday to meet with your group to finalize your presentation.

Monday, September 17
No homework. But please make sure you have something to take notes with and file handouts every day. Organization is key. I want to see you all succeed!

Friday, September 14
Choose your O.S.C.A.R. material. Bring it in on Monday.

Wednesday, September 5

Summer Reading is due Friday, September 7th

Monday, September 10
Please cover your textbook and workbook.


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