Grade 6 | Holes Portfolio Assignments

Portfolio Assignment 1 
Character Tracking
(See worksheet distributed in class).

Portfolio Assignment 2
Juvenile Detention Centers
Write a paper about any aspect concerning a juvenile detention center, either a local one or one somewhere within the United States. You may want to research what inmates are allowed to do with their free time, if they are required to work or go to therapy, what the living conditions are like, who can visit inmates and under what circumstances, what food they eat, what clothes they wear, if they are allowed to read, or quite literally ANYTHING you want to know about individuals who are in juvenile detention centers.

      Research information about any juvenile detention center. You have the freedom to research any information on the topic. I’m open to your individual levels of creativity and interests.
      You may use the detention center’s website or news articles about a detention center as a source for this assignment.
      Please include the source at the top of your paper.
      Report back with what you’ve learned on this topic in a 1 page paper with the proper heading, in 12pt. Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.
      The goal here is to understand that the situations the “campers” at Camp Green Lake are in are very real.
      You will present your findings to the class.

Due Date
Thursday, December 13th

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