Grade 8

Friday, May 24th
English on Tuesday 5/28.
Literature on Wednesday, 5/29


I.                    Vocabulary: Units 11-12, with extra credit questions from Unit 13
II.                 Sentence Stalking
a.       Words in context
b.       Finding subjects/verbs
c.        Phrases
d.       Types of Sentences
e.        Punctuation
III.              Latin
IV.               Sentence Analysis
V.                  MLA Format

*Multiple Choice Questions, Fill-ins, & Essay
I.                    Film Analysis
a.       4 types of analysis

II.                 Macbeth
a.       Historical Play & King James
b.       Themes
c.        Binaries
                                                                                       i.       male/female, sleep/waking, life/death, fair/foul, heaven/hell, night-dark-shadow/morning-light, clean/blood
d.       Equivocation
                                                                                       i.      Double meanings
e.        Macbeth
                                                                                       i.      Ethos anthros daimon
1.       A man’s character is his fate.
f.         Lady Macbeth
                                                                                       i.      How is gender (masculinity) related to ruthless ambition in her mind? How is she related to the witches? Does she have a choice or is she fated?
g.       Hallucinations
                                                                                       i.      Apostrophe
                                                                                     ii.      How do they function in the play?
                                                                                   iii.      Are they real or simply projections of the character’s imagination?

Tuesday, May 14
Vocabulary Unit 12 exercises due Friday.
Spring Projects due Monday.

Thursday, May 2
Sentence Stalking Packets are due on Friday
Vocabulary Unit 11 exercises due Monday.
Continue to work on your spring project: update evaluation on SeeSaw
Artists Statements are due May 7th with your super sculptures!!!

Friday, April 5
As we missed each other today because of mass, Vocabulary Unit 10 Test moved to Tuesday.
Please work on your spring projects!
Also, if you have one, bring a teacup to class on Monday.

Wednesday, April 5
Vocabulary Unit 10 Test on FRIDAY!!!

Friday, March 29
TKMB & The Canon Presentations MONDAY! Please upload presentation video to SeeSaw by Sunday 10 AM.

Tuesday, March 26
TKMB & The Canon Critical Presentations will be due for submission on Friday. We will work through presentations until Monday.
Vocabulary Unit 10 Test on FRIDAY!!!

Friday, March 12
Devote some time to your spring projects over the weekend. You will begin your journals on Monday.

Wednesday, March 20
Nice work on your proposals.
Read up to Chapter 28 for tomorrow.

Friday, March 15
Proposals are due on Wednesday! (Worth 150 points-- don't squander them!)

Tuesday, March 12
Read Chapters 17-18 in TKMB and be prepared to discuss in class tomorrow.
Please work on drafting your proposals for your spring projects.

Friday, March 8
Let's muster up some energy for Trimester 3!
Read Chapters 15-16 in TKMB over the weekend.
Be prepared to discuss those chapters and continue with Chapter 17 on Monday.

_End Trimester 2_

Wednesday, March 6
We missed class today because of Ash Wednesday, so the Vocab test is postponed until Friday! 

Tuesday, February 26

Vocabulary Unit 9 Exercises up to Completing the Sentence due Thursday, February 28th.
Vocabulary Unit 9 Test on Thursday, March 7th.
Final OSCAR conferences will be held on Friday.

Wednesday, February 6

Insightful, typed responses (4-8 sentences, or more) on Dr. Lester's discussion of language and power due Friday.
Begin preparing for your first Latin assessment (don't fret-- you'll all do fine, I'm sure)

Wednesday, January 30
Catcher extensions are until Friday. THAT WILL BE THE LAST DAY.

Friday, January 25
Catcher essays are due on 1/30.
Hopefully you've read Chapter 2 in TKMB; we will review that chapter on Monday.
Please prepare for a quiz on Latin affixes: prefixes and suffixes. Date TBD.

Wednesday, January 16

Essays on Catcher due on a rolling basis until January 30th. Get it over with and hand it in! Don't let it linger.

Wednesday, January 16

Vocabulary Unit 7 test on Friday
Obtain a copy of TKMB
Essays on Catcher due on a rolling basis until January 30th. Get it over with and hand it in! Don't let it linger.

Monday, January 14

Final drafts of Catcher essays are due on January 28th.
*If you want secondary feedback on your essays, please give them to me no later than Thursday, January 17th.

We are now moving onto TKMB, which you will need to have with you for class no later than Tuesday, January 22nd.

Friday, January 11
Wishing you all the best at 3:00 today! Enjoy the weekend off. If you have not handed in your draft, it is now late. 10% will be docked for every subsequent day it is late.
We will begin peer editing on Monday! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS ACTIVITY.

Wednesday, January 9

Drafts will be due no later than 10 p.m. tomorrow night. This is part of your final grade! No draft = points off your final research paper grade. Also, you won't be able to participate in all the fun draft activies I have planned.

Tuesday, January 8 

Finish Vocabulary Unit 7 in its entirety. It will be checked for a classwork grade tomorrow.
Drafts due on Thursday.

Friday, January 4

Start your drafts. They are due on Thursday, January 10th.
The final draft will be due Wednesday, January 16th: this one will include your paper, in MLA format, and your Works Cited page.

I've posted the notes from our powerpoint in the Catcher blog post.

Also, Vocabulary "Choosing the Right Word" is to be completed for Monday.

Enjoy your weekend. Don't stress! It's just a draft. Do your best. Write. Write. Write. Spend at least 5 hours total on it over the weekend. And skim Catcher in the Rye for inspiration and ideas.

Please obtain a copy of TKMB by January 14th. I found a bunch of discounted copies at the B&N on Rt. 17 in Paramus in the used books section. Go get 'em before they are all gone!


2019 Stars Here.I hope you all enjoyed Christmas break!

Wednesday, December 19th
Outlines due on Friday. You may submit them via email or hard copy, depending on how you prefer to receive my feedback.
Vocabulary Test tomorrow! Study. Our review game today left me wondering...

Friday, December 14

Wonderful job on your annotated bibliographies!
Work on your outline over the weekend; they will be due Friday, December 21st.
Also, Vocabulary Test on Unit 6 will be on Thursday, December 20th.
Please complete all the exercises for Monday

Wednesday, December 12
UPDATE! You will have two class periods to work on your Annotated Bibliographies...
For full credit, they must be emailed to me by 10 pm on Thursday night.
You will also need to bring in a hard copy on Friday in order to share your sources with the class.

Monday, December 10
Vocabulary Unit 6: Choosing the Right Word and Synonyms due Wednesday.
Annotated Bibliographies are due this THURSDAY. You need to annotate 4 sources you might use, in addition to Catcher.

Friday, December 7 
Vocabulary Test Unit 5 Monday!!!
Annotated Bibliographies are due on 12/13.

Monday, December 3
Brainstorm your "working" thesis statements.
Vocabulary Unit 5 test on Thursday.

Friday, November 30
Sign up for an account with JSTOR to find articles for your research project.
Here is a preview of the biography of Salinger for research purposes and another here.

Another book preview on PTSD can be found here. Please note that PTSD was not coined until the 1980s, years after Salinger came back from WWII. In his time, it was known as CSR or Battle Fatigue, which would be good to look into as well.

If you are looking to write about grief and Holden's/Salinger's loss, here is a good resource (another google book preview.)

Dear Reader Letters are due on Monday. Email me with any questions!

Tuesday, November 27
Complete up to Synonyms and Antonyms Vocabulary Unit 5

Monday, November 26
Complete Choosing the Right Word in Unit 5
If you didn't present your Catcher article, you will do so tomorrow!
Also, please brainstorm for your research paper: Dear Reader Letters are due Friday!

Thursday, November 8

(Not that you need it-- you're all going to do so well!)


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